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Saints Prayer

Saints Prayer. In Christian history, people who sought to live perfectly according to the Word of God is called Saints. They are also members of the Church but in the Kingdom of Heaven. Here you will find prayers which were created by the various Saints or prayers by which you can ask the intercession of Saints.

st Jude prayer

St Jude Prayer for Miracle in Hopeless Situations and Cases

St Jude prayer for miracle in difficult hopeless situations and cases. St Jude, also known as Thaddeus, was one of the twelve Apostles. That...
St Michael Prayer for protection

Archangel St Michael Prayer – for God’s Protection and Strength

St Michael prayer represents a call for divine intervention against dark forces and a plea for strength and protection in times of spiritual struggle....
Prayer to St Joseph

PRAYER TO ST JOSEPH asking for intercession and protection

Why prayer to St Joseph asking for intercession and protection? Understanding why we turn to the saints and ask for their intercession is essential.They...
St Anthony prayer

St Anthony Prayer for Lost Things – Our Patron and Intercessor

St. Anthony is the patron saint of sailors, castaways, older adults, the sick, pig farmers, and most importantly - with his intercession, God has...
holy innocents day


Holy Innocents Day is celebrated on December 28th. Soon after the great joy of the birth of Jesus, there is a time of great...
St francis of assisi prayer

ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI PRAYER – Showing the World a Way Out

When you pray for salvation of the world what prayer words do you use? We present you a prayer which helped for thousands of...