DAILY EFFECTIVE PRAYER Let God be Pleased with you – Please God

Daily effective prayer

Daily effective prayer for January 31. In all our ways, in all we do today as a Christian we must let God be pleased with us. Let’s tell God to help us do what will please God and give glory to His name.

Bible Verse for Today

“When the LORD takes pleasure in anyone’s way, he causes their enemies to make peace with them” (Proverbs 16:7).

Daily effective prayer. If there is anything we must concentrate on in the course of the day, it is on how to please God in all we do. Pleasing God means doing things that will give glory to His name. There is a reward for pleasing God as stated in Proverbs 16:17, everything will be working together for good and even your enemies will be at peace with you.

Pleasing God is not something we can do by ourselves, (Romans 8:8) “those who are in the flesh cannot please God”, we need to put on His nature. There are things you need to do today to please God. In your words, please God, let your words be edifying and not abusive words (Ephesians 5:4). Psalm 1 has the record of what happens to those who please God, there is a reward for such.

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.

Please God – Daily Effective Prayer

It’s another day you have made Lord, it’s a beautiful day you have made. Thank you for making me to see this day. Your eyes were on me all through the night, you preserved and protected me. I thank you for all. Lord accept my thanks in Jesus name.

Anywhere I have stumbled and fell, that have caused you to be displeased with me, I ask for the grace to rise up again and walk in you.

Lord, I really want to please you today in all I do and I need your help to achieve that. I trust you will direct me to do what will please you. I promise to obey every of your word and do the right thing today. Amen.

Also read: SHORT DAILY DEVOTIONAL PRAYER Don’t Worry,God Cares

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