BEING HONEST WITH GOD Prayer for October 14

being honest with God

Being honest with God – Prayer for October 14. We can think so much about what others think of us, that it totally paralyzes us. We are always afraid to give the wrong impression. But if we are sincere we will be accepted more than if we try to hide everything and pretend that we are perfect.

Bible Verse for Today

“Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:2)

People like to listen what others have learned through their problems, weaknesses and mistakes. That leaves them relaxed, because people identifies themselves with others. Besides, they have hope that they will be able to cope with their difficulties because, despite all the things that have happened in others lives and they have made it.

God just wants us to be open and honest with Him

We must not be afraid to make mistakes. God does not ask us to don’t make mistakes. He just wants us to be open and honest with Him. If we do not hide mistake, He can help us overcome it. This will give us the chance to tackle bigger and better things.

Do not hide your mistakes. Admit  them so that you can learn from them. As long as you are open and honest and trust God, it can help you to overcome everything. Be honest with God about your thoughts, feelings, and mistakes. God wants us to come to Him with everything that’s on our minds. Even though we might not be able to see a way through all our problems, He always can.

Being Honest with God Prayer for Today

Lord, we have weaknesses that we are ashamed of, but sticking to them does not help us any further. God, we want to be honest about our mistakes so you can help us to overcome them. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Also read: TRUSTING GOD’S PLAN Prayer for October 13

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