GUARDING YOUR EYES Prayer for November 6
Guarding your eyes - Prayer for November 6. Praise the Lord, everybody!Some say that the eyes are the gateways to our souls. Therefore, we must guard what enters our eye gate because we must...
LIVING A HOLY LIFE Prayer for November 5
Living a holy life - Prayer for November 5. Praise the Lord, everybody!In this era of "Gospel light" in the body of Christ, we have streamlined Church doctrine and God's statutes to the point...
Spending time in God's presence - Prayer for November 4. Praise the Lord, everybody!Over the past 30 years or so, I have noticed something about being a man of God, filled with the Holy...
BE READY FOR JESUS RETURN Prayer for November 3
Be ready for Jesus' return—Prayer for November 3. Praise the Lord, everybody!If Jesus came back right now, would you be caught up to meet Him, or would you be left behind? We need to...
Serve the body of Christ with Love and Joy. Prayer for November 2
Serve the body of Christ with love and joy—prayer for November 2. Praise the Lord, everybody!Jesus tells us in His word that there is one sure way to recognize His disciples, and that is...
Seek first the Kingdom of God - Prayer for November 1. The devil wants to tempt us to live at the lowest level, but God challenges us to set ourselves high goals. One of...
STAYING STRONG IN FAITH Prayer for October 31
Staying strong in faith - Prayer for October 31. Praise the Lord, everybody!Unfortunately, in these last and evil days before Christ comes for His church, the persecution of Christians will become increasingly prevalent all...
GOD KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US Prayer for October 30
God knows what is best for us—prayer for October 30. Praise the Lord, everybody!Sometimes, in our daily struggle to please God, we Christians find ourselves adding extra burdens to our backs when we try...
STAYING TRUE TO GOD Prayer for October 29
Staying true to God - Prayer for October 29. Praise the Lord, everybody!Today, God is looking at the Church of Christ, and He must be concerned with much of what He sees. Unfortunately, people...
Trust in the Lord with all your Heart. Devotional for October 28
Trust in the Lord with all your heart - Prayer for October 28. Praise the Lord, everybody!Sometimes, God will assign us a task that we think is above our "pay grade," gifts, and abilities....