Daily prayer guide

We have different prayer life experiences. Some of us practice prayer all our lives, while others just starting to look how to start daily prayer life and need guide. Here you will find the main daily prayer guide, which explains step by step how to pray right, what are the types of prayer and in what situations they could be used.
How to Forgive Someone Christian's Guide to Healing and Reconciliation

How to Forgive Someone – Christian’s Guide to Healing and Reconciliation

Who hasn't felt the pain of being judged or criticized negatively? I'm sure there have been situations where you've been falsely accused, mistreated, or even abused. Some of you may have experienced a grievance...
simple prayer of salvation

Simple Prayer of Salvation

The simple prayer of salvation is a pivotal moment in the life of a Christian. It is a profound yet simple act of faith, an open acknowledgment of one's need for God, and a...
Always pray and never give up principle

Learn Always Pray and Never Give Up Principle

One of the principles of the Christian lifestyle is: "always pray and never give up." Jesus gave this principle to His disciples in the parable of the widow, and the unjust judge found in...
the serenity prayer

Serenity Prayer – Philosophy for Living Balanced and Fulfilling Life

The Serenity Prayer is a simple yet profound prayer that has offered guidance and comfort to millions worldwide. Its appeal lies in its powerful message of wisdom, acceptance, and courage in facing life's challenges....
Why do we pray benefits of prayer

Why Do We Pray? Uncover the Life-Changing Benefits of Prayer

Why do we pray? Even for people of deep faith, this question can sometimes raise doubts. We are used to a world based on economics and rewarded only for tangible efforts. Therefore, it may...
Does God hear our prayers does God Really Listen

Does God hear our prayers? Does God Really Listen?

Let's admit that sometimes, after the deepest prayers, a doubt whispers somewhere: "Is anyone really listening?" Does God hear our prayers? Does God really listen?Yes, sometimes it feels like our prayer is like a...
purpose of prayer

What is the Purpose of Prayer?

At its heart, prayer offers a means to reach God. But what exactly is the purpose of prayer?What is the Purpose of PrayerThe purpose of prayer is to develop a relationship with God, foster...
What is Called Prayer definition

What is Called Prayer? – Prayer Definition Christian Perspective

In Christianity, prayer is a foundational aspect of faith and spiritual life. It's more than a religious ritual; it's a personal and communal way to communicate with God. Understanding what Christians call prayer, its...
Unanswered prayers

Unanswered Prayers – Silence is not the same as No

We have all experienced this on our faith journey - when we pour out our hearts in prayer, asking for guidance, healing, or a sign, and instead of an answer, we receive only silence....
what is the best prayer to God

What is the Best Prayer to God?

Many often ask, "What is the best prayer to God?" The beauty of prayer lies in its diversity and personal nature, making the concept of a 'best' prayer subjective. However, understanding what makes prayer...