Special prayers

Sometimes we have a need for special prayers. Here you will find daily prayer examples, special prayers for family, also praise and worship songs.

Prayer to save marriage from divorce

Prayer to save marriage from divorce – God helps to stop the crisis

As in every crisis, including marriage, the Christian should turn first to God. That is why prayer to save marriage from divorce is so...
Prayer points for the family

8 Prayer Points for the Family Most important for Breakthrough

8 Prayer Points for the Family: Most important for Breakthrough. The family is established upon divine creation to accomplish God's purpose and to enrich...
Five finger prayer by Francis

FIVE FINGER PRAYER Method and Plan by Pope Francis

Maybe many of you already have heard about simple, but very clever prayer method and  plan - five finger prayer. This prayer method was...
Prayers for my teenage son Rebellious Relationship with Parents

PRAYERS FOR MY TEENAGE SON Rebellious Relationship with Parents

Prayers for my teenage son. Rebellious Relationship with Parents. Have you ever laid awake at night wondering, where is my son? What is he...
chris tomlin resurrection power

CHRIS TOMLIN Resurrection Power Song, Lyrics and Chords

Chris Tomlin Resurrection Power is the first release from his forthcoming 2018-year album. It was released on January 12, 2018, and already is in...
Mother's prayer for her daughter

MOTHER’S PRAYER FOR HER DAUGHTER – adult children relationship

Prayers for adult children and relationships. The bond between a mother and a daughter should be valued. However, a mother-and-daughter relationship can be challenging...
week of prayer for christian unity


Today, January 18, starts the week of prayer for Christian unity. At that time all Christians are invited to pray together for the unity...
worship songs guitar chords


Most of us have seen young people playing guitars and singing Christian worship songs. Are you the beginner guitar player and want to try...
Prayer points for 2018

PRAYER POINTS FOR 2018: Prayer is the door to success in 2018

It’s 2018 - a new year. And since it’s a new year, many people are reflecting on the past and preparing for the future....
matt redman times square

10000 REASONS – Matt Redman Times Square. Lyrics, Chords

This is one of the most popular Christian worship songs, which was written by well-known songwriter Matt Redman and his friend Jonas Myrin. Soon...