Accepted by God – Daily Devotional for June 10

Accepted by God daily Devotional for June 10

Today, in our Daily Devotional for June 10, let’s reflect that we are accepted by God through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Daily Devotional for June 10

“To the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” – Ephesians 1:6 (NIV)

Accepted by God

God wants us to understand that we are His beloved children, pleasing and acceptable to Him. In a world of voices telling us who and what we aren’t, the closer we draw to God, the more we hear His voice affirming who we are—righteous in Christ, loved, and pleasing to our heavenly Father.

What God Says About You

Sometimes, it may seem impossible to accept God because of our faults and sins.

However, God tells us that we are accepted in the Beloved because of what Jesus did for us. Our acceptance is not based on our performance but Christ’s finished work on the cross. This profound and freeing truth allows us to live without the burden of guilt and condemnation.

Overcoming Guilt and Condemnation

If you are dealing with guilt or condemnation today, remember that God never focuses on how far we have fallen. Instead, He reminds us of how far we can rise, how much we have overcome, and how precious we are in His sight.

God’s love for us is unwavering, and His grace is abundant. He sees our potential and continually calls us to rise above our failures and embrace our identity in Christ.

Hearing God’s Affirmation

Hearing God’s voice over the clamor of negative thoughts and external criticisms is crucial for our spiritual well-being.

Spend time in prayer and in His Word, where His affirmations are clear. He declares that you are forgiven, redeemed, and accepted. Let these truths resonate in your heart and mind, drowning out the lies of the enemy.

God’s acceptance is a cornerstone of our faith. It empowers us to live confidently and joyfully, knowing we are unconditionally loved. Embrace this truth and let it transform your life.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for accepting us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us overcome guilt and condemnation by embracing the truth of Your love and acceptance. Teach us to hear Your affirming voice above all others and to live confidently as Your beloved children. May we continually remember that our worth and acceptance are found in You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

To You

Reflect on areas of your life where you struggle with inadequacy or guilt. How can you remind yourself daily that God accepts you?

My brother, remember that God’s love and acceptance are not based on your performance but His grace. Embrace this truth and live confidently in His love. Amen.

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