Home Prayers


Prayers are our direct and private communication with God. Prayers give us the great privilege of telling our concerns and desires to our Creator. Here you can read information about different prayer types and find great examples of different prayers.

Prayers for guidance in decision making


In life, we make various decisions, and God is very much interested in our choices. He doesn't just want you to make the right decision, but He wants to guide you as you make...
what does it mean to worship in spirit and truth

What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth?

When listening to a sermon or talking to other Christians, we sometimes hear that God is to be worshipped in spirit and truth. What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth? This...
Jesus is the door

JESUS IS THE DOOR Prayer to Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd

Jesus says that He is the only door, that He is the door to the Father's house. Jesus is the only door to Eternal Life. There is no other door and no other path...
prayers for strength

PRAYERS FOR STRENGTH in Difficult Situations

Prayers for Strength in Difficult Situations. Life can present many challenges which are often outside of our control. The burdens of life can cause paralysis, making a person feel bound and helpless - financial...
prayer for repentance and cleansing

Prayer for Repentance and Cleansing

When we hear the word repentance, one thing comes to our mind: asking for forgiveness. However, repentance is way more than that; it has to do with the entirety of a person. John the...
Blessing the Most Heart Warming Prayer to God Form

BLESSING The Most Heart Warming Prayer to God Form

Blessing - the most Heart Warming Prayer to God form. A spoken word of blessing is a powerful form of prayer. It's a Biblical statement that calls on the blessing of God in the...
Pray wait trust keys to effective prayer

PRAY WAIT TRUST – The Keys to Effective Prayer. Try it

There is a story about a woman who prayed for her husband's salvation for forty years before he finally came to faith. She prayed despite his abusive words, mocking looks, and alcoholism. She prayed...
Powerful prayer against addiction

Powerful Prayer for Addiction Recovery and Healing

Being addicted to anything is not what God wants for us. God wants us to rely solely on Him for our provision and support in life, as Philippians 4:19 states clearly, "And my God...
Blessing prayer

Benediction Prayer – Invocation for Divine Help

One important thing to do as a human is to say positive things to oneself. These words affect our lives positively and help us to think positively. This is exactly what the benediction prayer...

Gathering to Worship Together – Bible Verses about Worship

Corporate worship is a time designated, whether daily or weekly, when Christians gathering to worship together as one body of Christ. They obey God's commandment to assemble with fellow Christians to worship. Also, they...