DRAWING THE POWER of Jesus Christ into our Lives, Let Down your Net

Drawing the power of Jesus Christ into our lives

Drawing the power of Jesus Christ into our lives – Let down your net. Prayer for March 11. Have you been fishing and you have not been getting good result or do you want your net to be full of blessing that will cause your net to tear? Then Jesus is telling you to let down your net today.

Bible Verse for Today

“Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” (Luke 5:5)

For drawing the power of Jesus Christ into our lives – just let down your net! Simon have been working all day and all night with no result. He was a fisherman, and we know that catching plenty fishes is the joy of a fisherman. But in the case of Simon nothing was coming, not until Jesus stepped into his boat and the story changed. He obeyed Jesus immediately and let down his net just as Jesus ordered. You may have been working and yielding little or no result, or if you think you are getting good results from your work, you can still get a better result only if you will obey Jesus and let down you net.

God really wants to bless us, he wants to enlarge our coast, and that’s why he is directing us in his path (the path of righteousness) Psalm 23:3, he wants to position us for his blessings. The path of righteousness is the path of obedience to his words. That’s the path Simon took, he obeyed Jesus and he was blessed.

God wants you to let down your nets today. Whatever idea or plan you have that you are afraid of executing, Jesus is telling you to let down your net today and you will be greatly blessed.

Prayer for Today. Drawing the power of Jesus Christ into our lives – Let down your Net

Thank you Lord for a new day like this, it’s a beautiful day. Thank you for protection, you are always there to cover me so no trouble will come to me. I thank you also for provision, the way you have been doing this is awesome.

You have commanded Lord that I should let down the net. You said that to Peter, he obeyed and experienced a great blessing from you. I’m obeying your word today Lord, bless me. Not just a blessing but an overwhelming blessing. Amen.

Also read: INSPIRATION POINT Bible Quote for Daily Inspirational God Message

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