Faithfulness in Following Jesus – Daily Devotional for May 3

Faithfulness in Following Jesus daily Devotional for May 3

On May 3, we honor Saints Philip and James, two apostles who exemplify faithfulness in following Jesus despite the challenges they faced. Their devotion, humility, and willingness to learn offer valuable lessons for us today.

Daily Devotional for May 3

“Philip said to him, ‘Lord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.'” (John 14:8)

The Journey of Philip and James

Jesus chose Saints Philip and James to be among the twelve apostles. Though their contributions may seem overshadowed by others, their faithfulness in following Jesus remains an essential example.

Philip, in particular, struggled to grasp the full divinity of Christ, as evident in today’s Gospel passage. Yet he and James were instrumental in spreading the Gospel and building the early Church.

The Lessons We Learn

The lives of Philip and James reveal three significant lessons:

  1. God’s Call and Qualification. God calls ordinary people like you and me. You may not feel particularly qualified, but God equips those He calls. The apostles, like us, were prone to errors but learned through faithfulness.
  2. Knowing Jesus Requires More. You can spend years in church or Bible study without truly knowing Jesus. The apostles spent three years with Him but still needed deeper spiritual understanding. Seek not just knowledge but a heartfelt relationship with Jesus.
  3. Ask Questions Humbly. Philip’s question to Jesus underscores the importance of asking questions. Do not shy away from asking questions about faith, Scripture, or life. A humble heart open to learning is more valuable than rigid certainty.

Jesus said: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, as we honor Saints Philip and James today, help us learn from their faithfulness in following You. May we serve with humility and a desire to grow in understanding. Equip us to be faithful disciples who are open to learning and spreading Your message. Amen.

To You

Where in your life do you need to grow in faithfulness to Jesus? Are there areas where you need to ask more questions and deepen your understanding of Him?

May the examples of Saints Philip and James inspire you to follow Jesus and embrace humility, knowing that God values your willingness to serve. Seek to know Him better and ask the questions that lead to deeper understanding. Amen.

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