Jesus is the Light of the World. Daily Devotional 34th day of Lent

Jesus is the Light of the World Devotional

We know that without the Sun, life on our planet is impossible. Also, Jesus says that without him, no real life is possible. That is a great statement! Jesus is the Light.

Lent Daily Devotional

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

God Came into the World

Jesus’ coming to us is of crucial importance. Our attitude towards Him determines our life here and hereafter and eternity.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

We can only come to terms with Jesus’ claim by discovering the divine mystery in Jesus: God himself truly comes into our world with him.

This is what the Evangelist John testified at the beginning of his Gospel: the one who created the world, the one in whom there is life and light for all people, has come into his own.

Jesus is the Light

In the person of Jesus, the Creator Himself came into the darkness of creation to fill it with His light. God’s coming in Jesus is for the enlightenment of humanity, which cannot itself find access to God.

Let us understand the symbolism of the lack of light correctly: it is connected with the knowledge of the truth, the proper understanding of God, and the correct understanding of humanity. It means understanding the meaning and reality of life.

God sets us Free

People should no longer remain trapped in the darkness of God but should come out of lies and wickedness, illusions, and hypocrisy. They must enter the realm of divine love and mercy, inner truth, and purity of conscience.

This means light for the world

If, until now, man has been guided by his thoughts and ideas, he must, together with Jesus, reach the level of divine will and thinking.

Prayer for Today

Jesus, even before we come to you, you are already there. Even before we call your name, you have already called us. Even before we look for you, your light has already met us.

So we are on our way to you, even when we feel distant from you. So our way is not dark, even when the night is still around us. God’s blessing accompanies us through the day.

Jesus, be my light when it is dark around me. May your light stream through me and shine in me.

May God, the Almighty the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless us. Amen.

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