Love God, Love People – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. In the intricate mosaic of Mosaic law, with its myriad rules and rituals, Jesus distills the essence of faithful living into two profound commandments: loving God wholly and loving our neighbors as ourselves. These words aren’t mere sentiments but the cornerstones upon which the kingdom of God is built on earth.

Devotional for 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (full text at Matthew 22:34-40)

Love God

To love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds is to give Him dominion over every aspect of our being. It’s in the secret chamber of our heart’s affections, in the depths of our soul’s yearnings, and in the vast expanse of our mind’s thoughts that we grant Him the throne. It’s a holistic surrender, transcending ritualistic obedience or superficial worship.

Love People

The second commandment, intrinsically connected to the first, is a radical call to relational living. To love our neighbors as ourselves is to see them through the Father’s eyes, to feel for them with the Father’s heart, and to serve them with the Father’s compassion. It’s the tangible expression of our love for God, manifesting in our interactions with those He has placed around us.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

As we reflect, let us ask ourselves:

Complete Surrender

Do we compartmentalize our faith and allow it to touch only certain areas of our lives selectively, or do we allow God’s love to permeate every aspect of our lives?

This explains why humility is a Christian virtue. To humble myself before God is to admit that His truth has precedence over my understanding and whims. This means that I must live according to the will of God, not in isolated episodes, but in the whole scope of my life.

Empathetic Love

How often do we extend ourselves beyond our comfort to meet our neighbor’s needs, to love without bias or agenda, as we naturally do for ourselves?

Selfishness and indifference to others (the so-called “tolerance”) are the great scourge of humanity. Many people say when the world is falling into ruin, “I don’t care.” Only thanks to this attitude does Satan gain more and more power in the world.

Reflective Assessment

Are our lives a testament to these two commandments? If someone were to write a story about us, would it be a story of divine and relational love?

Prayer for Today

Loving Father, Your commandments are not burdens but bridges—connecting us to You and each other. Teach us to love You wholly, without reservation. Let that love be the compass that directs every decision, every thought, and every emotion. And Lord, let this love overflow, breaking the banks of self-preservation, to pour into the lives of those around us.

In moments of selfishness, remind us of Your selfless love. In our prideful isolation, show us the power of Your inclusive embrace. Make our lives a continuous act of love, a testament to these commandments. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who loved us completely, Amen.

To You

  1. Identify a practical way to show love to someone today, especially outside your usual circle of concern.
  2. How can you make your relationship with God more about a heartfelt connection than a religious obligation?
  3. Reflect on a recent interaction with someone where you could have been more loving. Ask God for guidance on how to mend that relationship.
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