LOVE AS JESUS LOVES Prayer for September 26

love as jesus loves

Love as Jesus loves – Prayer for September 26. Praise the Lord, everybody!

A singer known to the world as “Meatloaf” had a hit song that went something like this: “Oh, I would do anything for love, yes, I would do anything for love: but I won’t do that, no, I won’t do that!” Are we singing that song to God?

Bible Verse for Today

“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” (John 14:21)

It seems that many of us in the body of Christ give our lives to Christ and declare our love for him every Sunday but refuse to give up certain sinful behaviors that our flesh has become obsessed with.

Like the rich young ruler in Matthew 19: 19-22, we say we love Jesus and would even die for Him, just as Peter said, but like Peter, we fold in the heat of the moment.

When He asks us for the thing most dear to our flesh, we sound like Meatloaf singing, “I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that!” We need to show real love to others and love as Jesus loves. Jesus commands us to love one another even as He loved us.

Teach us to love as Jesus loves

In John 14:21, Jesus says that those who have His word in their hearts and are obedient to it are the ones who truly love Him, and to them, He will make Himself known.

If we want God’s will and power to manifest in our lives, we must be ready to accept whatever God’s will is for us. We must know that He requires all our attention, love, strength, and mind and soul. We as Christians need to stop serving God as “Meatloaf” and start giving Him our all. God Bless You All.

Love as Jesus Loves Prayer for Today

Father God, help us always be aware of what we are serving you in our ministry. We love you, Lord, and we want to be totally obedient to you and your word, never having to say, “I won’t do that.” Teach us to love as Jesus loves. We pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Also read: Prayer for September 25

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