Special prayers

Sometimes we have a need for special prayers. Here you will find daily prayer examples, special prayers for family, also praise and worship songs.

fourth week of Advent prayer points

Fourth Week of Advent Prayer Points – O Come, Emmanuel

The last days of Advent. The prayer points for the fourth week of Advent are designed to prepare us directly for Christmas, which is...
Third Week of Advent Prayer Points Prepare the Way for the Lord

Third Week of Advent Prayer Points – Prepare the Way for the Lord

Third week of Advent prayer points. During Advent, we are invited to follow the call of the prophet Isaiah to prepare the way to...
second week of Advent Prayer Points a call to repent

The second week of Advent Prayer Points – a call to repent

The second week of Advent prayer points us to the Bible verses that speak through the lips of John the Baptist that now is...
Monday prayer for morning night workplace meeting

Monday Prayer for Morning, Night, Workplace, and Meeting

Smile and start your day with a Monday morning prayer, a prayer before work, a prayer for a work meeting, a protection prayer, an...
Advent Prayer Points First Week Waiting for Christ's coming

Advent Prayer Points – First Week, Waiting for Christ’s coming

Advent prayer points for the first week. The first part of Advent is dedicated to the second coming of Christ. This will be the...
Prayer guide for Christians

Ultimate Prayer Guide for Christians to Pray God Daily

For Christians - How to Pray God Daily. It is not essential who you are – a young Christian taking the first steps in...
Oceans hillsong united songs

Oceans Lyrics and Chords – Hillsong United Worship songs

Here is a selection of one of Hillsong United's most famous worship songs - Oceans lyrics and chords. The meaning of this song is...
st Jude prayer

St Jude Prayer for Miracle in Hopeless Situations and Cases

St Jude prayer for miracle in difficult hopeless situations and cases. St Jude, also known as Thaddeus, was one of the twelve Apostles. That...
St Michael Prayer for protection

Archangel St Michael Prayer – for God’s Protection and Strength

St Michael prayer represents a call for divine intervention against dark forces and a plea for strength and protection in times of spiritual struggle....
Short Good Morning Prayers example

5 Short Good Morning Prayers – Tips for Structure, Time, Duration

A new day begins. What better way to start it than with gratitude, love, and good cheer? Morning Prayer should become as natural as...