GOD SPEAKS TO HIS PEOPLE Prayer for February 11

God speaks to his people

God speaks to His people – Prayer for February 11. One must be careful not to fall into listening to the deceptive voice of people around us or even the voice in us. We must know how to discern the voice of God and understand how He speaks to us.

Bible Verse for Today

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24)

They say whom we listen to determines how far our lives will go. The songs, messages, things we read, and the voices of people we get acquainted with will always impact our lives. The impact depends on the type of things they are telling us or the kind of things we are reading.

We love music a lot and always want to listen to a very good one, but are we conscious of the message that is passing to us?

Jesus was talking to his disciples and telling us that we should listen to His words. It is essential to our lives. Anyone who listens to His words, not just listening but also working according to them, is a wise person.

God can talk to us in different ways these days. Job listed methods by which God talks to his people in Job 33:14-15, “For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds.”

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Do you know even now, God can talk to you through songs? This is why we must be conscious of what we are listening to. Songs with ungodly lyrics will affect our minds negatively, but songs with godly lyrics will help us grow.

God speaks to us in different ways, but are we listening to Him? We must sit down and ask who we are listening to and what kind of advice we are taking.

God speaks to His people, so let us focus on the words of God alone and act accordingly.

God Speaks to His People Prayer for Today

Lord, I listen to a lot of things, but I want to be able to select the right ones, the ones that will affect me positively and not pollute my mind. Help me to listen to you, Lord. If I have been blocking my ears from your words or your voice, I pray you forgive me. Speak to me today and teach me to listen attentively, Lord. Amen.

Also read: Prayer for February 10

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