Use the Means God has Given You. Devotional for October 4

Use the means God has given you Devotional for Today October 4

Use the means God has given you. Devotional for Today, October 4. As God’s creatures, we are not fully autonomous. We come into an existing world with a current order, principles, and laws. God brings us into life, into this world that He entrusts to our responsibility.

Devotional for Today, October 4

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14,6)

We must also know God and take His will seriously. We know that we will ultimately have to give an account of our lives.

Use the Means God Has Given You

Many people believe they are lost wanderers without purpose or knowledge of their vocation. But everyone needs to understand that Heavenly Father has not left us in the dark by entrusting this world to our care.

We are not left helpless. On the contrary, God has given us all the necessary means for a successful life on Earth and for leading us to the Kingdom of God.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

One of the beautiful tools is God’s commandments. On the road of life, God’s commandments are our signposts, guideposts to the right direction, and our wisdom to live a fulfilled life.

But in this process, God does not want to enslave or keep us under His oppression. On the contrary, He wants us to walk freely and confidently along the path of life, to fulfill ourselves, and to fulfill the mission entrusted to us.

Jesus is our Teacher

Another good news is that God has given us Jesus as a teacher and Savior in all situations. He teaches us how to understand and use God’s commandments. What could be better?

Jesus said, “I am the way.” (John 14,6)

Accordingly, people who do not accept Jesus’ guidance quickly sink into misery, dictatorship, anxiety, and doubt in their souls and bodies. This is understandable because these people do not know what they live for and where their life’s path leads.

Man’s life without God is entirely of doubt and anxiety. It is inevitable.

God bless all of you.

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, You created the world and entrusted it to human beings to govern it in Your name. Please help us to understand how important this gift of trust is. Please help us have a sense of responsibility, not only for ourselves but for all humanity. Please give us the wisdom to trust your guidance more than our whims. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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