Daily devotional

Daily Devotional prayer for todayWe bring you a fantastic section on daily devotion. Devotional and prayer for today are presented for each day, and a Bible verse is selected in meditation, a reflection on God’s Word for our daily lives. Whether Monday or Sunday, biblical prayer accompanies us from the morning. So, throughout the week, prayer serves us by strengthening our faith, awakening hope, and giving courage.

Stop for a minute. Turn to our daily devotional and pray. God’s help and blessing are more important than anything in a simple workday. Daily morning prayer is the best way to do this.
Do you start the day with prayer? That’s right. Daily piety bears very positive fruit.

speak only the truth

SPEAK ONLY THE TRUTH Prayer for May 18

Speak Only the Truth—prayer for May 18. Being silent is far better than lying. We get into situations where we find it hard to tell the truth. We need the power of God to...
thank you god for the year

THANK YOU GOD FOR THE YEAR Prayer for December 31

Thank you God for the year - Prayer for December 31. It’s been a great year, and 365 days have already passed. So many have happened to us and around us, but here we...
God made us all unique

GOD MADE US ALL UNIQUE Prayer for April 28

Prayer for April 28. God made us all unique. It's high time we Christians started taking hold of every part of the world and bringing God's joy to everyone's doorstep. Let's tell God to...
God rewards those who work hard


God rewards those who work hard - Prayer for April 14. A person that works hard and diligently will get a reward. We must do well in anything we find ourselves doing because it...
Short daily prayer

Short Daily Prayer – everyday prayer speaks to your heart

Why a daily prayer? Because prayer is the best way to stay in a relationship with God. And today's prayer is a relevant message from God to you right now. Everyday prayer is how...
take up your cross daily

TAKE UP YOUR CROSS DAILY Prayer for September 1

Take up your cross daily - Prayer for September 1. Praise the Lord, everybody, and let everything that has breath praise His holy name! As Christians, we are to follow Jesus every day. Sometimes,...
you are God's treasure

YOU ARE GOD’S TREASURE Prayer for June 21

You are God's treasure - Prayer for June 21. To every man born in this world, there are treasures for each. They are hidden because they are called treasures, treasures are always valuable objects....
Building a solid foundation in Christ


Building a solid foundation in Christ - Prayer for March 29. Christ is the solid rock that we must stand on to stay strong. Building a solid foundation in Christ assures that we will...
Watch your words prayer

WATCH YOUR WORDS Prayer for March 6

Watch your words - Prayer for March 6. The power of life and death is in the tongue, so we must use it with caution. Let’s tell God to make us speak edifying words...
Easter Sunday Happy Jesus Resurrection Day

EASTER SUNDAY Happy Jesus Resurrection day

Happy Jesus Resurrection Day - Change the World Prayer for Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. This is good news to all humanity - our Lord died and rose again. He defeated death, and he...