Daily devotional

Daily Devotional prayer for todayWe bring you a fantastic section on daily devotion. Devotional and prayer for today are presented for each day, and a Bible verse is selected in meditation, a reflection on God’s Word for our daily lives. Whether Monday or Sunday, biblical prayer accompanies us from the morning. So, throughout the week, prayer serves us by strengthening our faith, awakening hope, and giving courage.

Stop for a minute. Turn to our daily devotional and pray. God’s help and blessing are more important than anything in a simple workday. Daily morning prayer is the best way to do this.
Do you start the day with prayer? That’s right. Daily piety bears very positive fruit.

Blessed are You who Seek God devotional

Blessed are You who Seek God. The devotional for Sixth Sunday

In today's Daily Devotional, we read that Jesus descended from a mountain to a plain. On the mountain was an encounter with God. Coming down to the plain was an encounter with people. Jesus...
God Expects Real Action Fifth Sunday

God Expects Real Action. Fifth Sunday Daily Devotional, February 6.

Fifth Sunday Devotional. All of us who have received faith have the choice to live our faith or suppress it. God gives us the freedom to choose. God expects real action.Fifth Sunday Daily DevotionalWhen...
Ask the Lord for Salvation Sunday devotional

Ask the Lord for Salvation. Sunday Daily Devotional for January 30

Ask the Lord for Salvation. Do you know why Jesus' sermon made people so nervous? Because Jesus said that no one has a right to God's love just because they are part of the...
The Time of Liberation Sunday Devotional

The Time of Liberation. Sunday Devotional January 23

Today is Sunday, a wonderful day because it is dedicated to our Lord. We have been working six days of the week and have been busy with the things of this world. And now...
Jesus is the gift of faith Devotional

Jesus is the gift of faith. Devotional for Today January 8

Today is the wonderful 8th day of January. It is the best time to spend a few minutes with the Lord in our personal prayer. Right now, this minute, stop and remember in prayer...
rejoice in the Lord

REJOICE IN THE LORD Prayer for December 26

Rejoice in the Lord Prayer - December 26. To those who are distracted and unheard, Paul says twice, "Rejoice!" To those who have not yet heard, “Rejoice in the Lord! Rejoice!” In fact, joy...
the everlasting joy

Advent. THE EVERLASTING JOY Prayer for December 23

Advent. The everlasting joy - Prayer for December 23. After this current world is over and every activity of the world is gone, we will all experience peace in Christ in the new heaven...
waiting for the second coming


Waiting for the second coming - Prayer for December 22. There are things you should be doing while waiting for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. These things that you are doing...
the lords coming is near

Advent. THE LORD’S COMING IS NEAR Prayer for December 21

Advent. The Lord's coming is near - Prayer for December 21. The Bible says in the end time, many things will happen, things bad but also it is in the last days that God...
sharing the Gospel

Advent. SHARING THE GOSPEL Prayer for December 20

Advent. Sharing the Gospel - Prayer for December 20. The gospel is what every Christian must share. This is a shoe that every one of us must put on because it is a command...