Jesus walks on water. Daily Devotional for May 9

Jesus walks on water Daily Devotional for May 9

Jesus walks on water. Jesus comes; it’s dark, stormy, nothing to see, and suddenly all or one of them sees a man walking on the sea’s surface. Do you know what the disciples do? They panic, they scream. I thought for a moment that if I were in a storm and I saw a man walking, what would you do? I just pressed hard against the bottom of the boat and kept quiet as a mouse to ensure he would go away.

Daily Devotional for May 9

Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. (full text at Mark 6:47-52)

Jesus Walks on Water

Here Jesus’ disciples experience something supernatural. Perhaps they thought that demonic forces caused this storm. They shout and say: “It’s a ghost!” They do not recognize Jesus. They are frightened and scream in panic.

But Jesus didn’t hesitate for long – Jesus immediately spoke to them, “Be sure it’s me; don’t be afraid.” In this situation, the glory of God is revealed. The glory of God enters the moment Jesus walks on the surface of the water.

God transforms situations

When the glory of God comes into our lives, when it shines, everything suddenly changes. Jesus also says to us: “Do not be afraid, peace be with you. Don’t be afraid, it’s me!”

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Jesus immediately turns to us, hoping that if we do not recognize Jesus himself, we will at least know that it is Jesus by his voice. That is how the glory of God enters.

Jesus sees the storm; Jesus sees what the disciples are fighting. They are not only struggling with external circumstances, but they are also struggling with their internal contradictions.

Jesus is not Content with Unbelief

Jesus is troubled by the fact that his disciples went out in unbelief. They went out without understanding what happened to the five thousand people Jesus fed with bread.

Jesus is not content with unbelief. He wants to achieve something more, so he walks on the surface of the sea. He gets involved in that storm because he knows it.

Even when we forget that Heavenly Father knows everything we need. Even when we forget that nothing happens without the Father’s knowledge and that all the hairs on our heads are numbered. Even when we forget that God’s eyes are everywhere, watching over the wicked and the serious. His glory, Jesus Christ, enters into the storm and turmoil.

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, our Saviour. We thank You that Your Spirit always lifts us and prays for us. What a joy to know that You meet even this need! Teach us to surrender even more deeply to You so we may do mighty works together. Teach us to trust in You because You have done even the impossible. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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