Daily devotional

Daily Devotional prayer for todayWe bring you a fantastic section on daily devotion. Devotional and prayer for today are presented for each day, and a Bible verse is selected in meditation, a reflection on God’s Word for our daily lives. Whether Monday or Sunday, biblical prayer accompanies us from the morning. So, throughout the week, prayer serves us by strengthening our faith, awakening hope, and giving courage.

Stop for a minute. Turn to our daily devotional and pray. God’s help and blessing are more important than anything in a simple workday. Daily morning prayer is the best way to do this.
Do you start the day with prayer? That’s right. Daily piety bears very positive fruit.

christmas prayer

THE SAVIOR HAS COME Short Christmas Prayer for December 25

The Savior has come - Short Christmas Prayer for December 25. There have been different rulers in this world, but they could not save humanity from the eternal death that befell it. But we...
christmas eve prayer

Miracle in the Manger – Christmas Eve Prayer for December 24

Miracle in the manger - Christmas Eve Prayer for December 24. At this time, there was no room for Joseph and the pregnant Mary to give birth; they chose to stay in the manger,...
show love through actions

Show love through Actions, not words Prayer for December 23

Show love through actions, not words - Prayer for December 23. God patiently reminds us to do something we don't like to do for others. But we serve Him by doing something good for...
trusting in god's love

TRUSTING IN GOD’S LOVE Prayer for December 22

Trusting in God's love - Prayer for December 22. Bible says that all we were created in God's image, and God lives in us. So never say or think anything negative about yourself, such...
always put your hope in god

ALWAYS PUT YOUR HOPE IN GOD Prayer for December 21

Always put your hope in God - Prayer for December 21. The Bible is full of promises for us. We can come into God's presence. He wants to heal us from our diseases. He...
find your joy in jesus

FIND YOUR JOY IN JESUS Prayer for December 20

Find your joy in Jesus - Prayer for December 20. Joy in life is a gift from God. The more time we spend in God's presence, the more joy comes to our lives. Jesus...
saved by faith in Christ

SAVED BY FAITH IN CHRIST Prayer for December 19

Saved by faith in Christ - Prayer for December 20. God demonstrated His love by sending Jesus to us. He came to save those who believed and followed him. There is the only option...
hearing god's call

HEARING GOD’S CALL Prayer for December 18

Hearing God's call - Prayer for December 18. Praise the Lord, everybody! How often do we hear the voice of the Lord asking us to do something for Him? And how often do we...
We are God's beloved

WE ARE GOD’S BELOVED Prayer for December 17

We are God's beloved - Prayer for December 17. Praise the Lord, everybody! So often, when we as Christians are referred to as God's beloved, created in His image, we have a hard time...
walk without fear

WALK WITHOUT FEAR Prayer for December 16

Walk without fear - Prayer for December 16. Praise the Lord, everybody!These last few years, we have seen hazards on the left and historic storms and weather on the right. Hospitals worldwide are experiencing...