Daily devotional

Daily Devotional prayer for todayWe bring you a fantastic section on daily devotion. Devotional and prayer for today are presented for each day, and a Bible verse is selected in meditation, a reflection on God’s Word for our daily lives. Whether Monday or Sunday, biblical prayer accompanies us from the morning. So, throughout the week, prayer serves us by strengthening our faith, awakening hope, and giving courage.

Stop for a minute. Turn to our daily devotional and pray. God’s help and blessing are more important than anything in a simple workday. Daily morning prayer is the best way to do this.
Do you start the day with prayer? That’s right. Daily piety bears very positive fruit.

Daily prayer Lord be with me

Do not be Afraid – Lord be with Me. Prayer for February 13

Lord be with me - Prayer for February 13. We are in a world that there are things that we are afraid of. We are of things we want to do or things we...
prayer of faith

A PRAYER OF FAITH Daily Devotional for February 12

Daily devotional and Prayer for February 12. A Prayer of Faith. Prayer is the grace God has bestowed upon man to communicate and fellowship with Him. Effectiveness in prayer will depend on our faith.Bible...
Daily prayer power of Jesus Christ

POWER OF JESUS CHRIST Prayer for February 11

Prayer for February 11. Power of Jesus Christ. Let us always be ready to go to the next level of our lives, and we will be able to do it by the power of...
Daily prayer salt of the world bible

SALT OF THE WORLD Prayer for February 10

Salt of the World. Prayer for February 10. Salt of the world Bible verse repeats the words of Jesus. We are made the salt of the world to take away bitterness in this world...
Daily prayer save me Lord

The Hand of God – SAVE ME LORD Prayer for February 9

Prayer for February 9. The hand of God is powerful and can save us from anything terrible we get ourselves into. Let’s tell God to help and save us with his right hand. Just...
Daily prayer God saves us

GOD SAVES Prayer for February 8

Prayer for February 8. God Saves. Jesus is the beginning of a new life. Once we give our lives to Him, He saves us from death. Yes, God saves us! He also bore our...
Prayers for success and prosperity

PRAYERS for Success and Prosperity for February 7

Prayers for success and prosperity for February 7. When we dwell in Christ, we have named success and dwell in the city of light, the city of success and prosperity. Let’s tell God to...
Daily prayer victory life

BE VICTORIOUS – Victory Life Prayer for February 6

Be victorious - Victory life—prayer for February 6. As Christians, we are more than conquerors; we must fight to believe we are victors and fight like a victor but not as a defeat. We...
divine lifting

DIVINE LIFTING Prayer for February 5

Prayer for February 5. Divine lifting. Whatever level we might be now either a level we are satisfied with or not satisfied. There is surely a level higher than all levels that God wants...
Daily prayer place of grace

PLACE OF GRACE Prayer for February 4

Place of Grace - Prayer for February 4. The place where we must dwell all the time as Christians is in the place of grace and safety. We must do all it takes to...