Home Prayers Page 5


Prayers are our direct and private communication with God. Prayers give us the great privilege of telling our concerns and desires to our Creator. Here you can read information about different prayer types and find great examples of different prayers.

god alone

GOD ALONE Prayer. God’s message to me right now

God's message to me right now. I recently had a friend say to me, "God is so mysterious, I wish He would shout his answers to us." I think God does shout His answers...
God help me

God Help Me – Dealing with hopeless situations

God, Life can sometimes throw a curve ball where we become hopeless. We stumble upon situations where only God can heal our most profound pain. No matter how hard we try, we cannot seem...
Powerful prayer against addiction

Powerful Prayer for Addiction Recovery and Healing

Being addicted to anything is not what God wants for us. God wants us to rely solely on Him for our provision and support in life, as Philippians 4:19 states clearly, "And my God...
thanksgiving dinner prayer

Thanksgiving Dinner Prayer – Thanksgiving Day 2023

Thanksgiving Dinner Prayer Examples. Thanksgiving Day 2023 is celebrated this year on Thursday, November 23, in the USA. Thanksgiving is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in American culture, and while the meaning...
prayer to pass exam

PRAYER TO PASS EXAM Graduation prayers for high school

Prayer to pass exam. We are in this season where many will be making preparation for exam success and graduation. Prior to this, many will have spent days, weeks and months doing this. As...
valentine's day prayer


Each year, on February 14, we peruse the store shelves for the perfect gift or card for a loved one. You've probably given and received some special valentines in your life. You've probably had...
prayer against temptation


Temptation is what no man on earth can run from – everybody would be tempted but not everybody would be able to overcome it. The power to overcome temptation is from God through Christ....
Pray for me

PRAY FOR ME! Marital issues, health problems, spiritual crisis

Prayer is a means of communicating with our heavenly Father.  Prayer makes it possible for Christian to touch the heart of the Father through the son, Jesus Christ. Most often, we say the phrase...
prayer for persecuted Christians


Prayer for persecuted Christians and churches. There are Christians in the world who so love God and will never let go – most of these Christians are in a community where they are not...
armed forces day 2018

ARMED FORCES DAY 2019 Prayers for Soldiers and their Families

Prayers for Soldiers and their Families. Armed Forces Day 2019 falls on 18th May and is a special day where those who have served, fought and even lost their lives for the freedom of...